GMDI and the Southeast Regional NBS & Genetics Collaborative (SERC) are very pleased to announce that the Nutrition Management Guidelines for MSUD have been completed! These guidelines, and others planned for completion over the next two years, are based on a Delphi-Nominal Group-Delphi-Field Testing (DNDF) methodology…
The DNDF process involves an extensive review of literature, two Delphi surveys and a nominal group meeting of experts to develop and review the proposed guidelines. The organization of the information is truly impressive and the website layout allows for easy access to all parts of the MSUD guideline including background information (e.g. biochemistry, genetics and diagnosis), rationale and recommendations for clinical management and monitoring, and an extensive list of accessible references. The quality of the finished product featured in the MSUD guidelines reflects a commitment to a rigorous process that will provide a better understanding of IEM and knowledge about nutrition management requirements. Explore this resource at:
We thank the following GMDI members for their efforts in this project:
MSUD Guidelines Committee:
Dianne Frazier, Chair
Caroline Homer
Diana Pantalos
Barbara Marriage
Beth Ogata
Anne Boney
Nutrition Guidelines Project Principal Investigator, Rani Singh
Project Co-Investigator, Fran Rohr