Information and Benefits

GMDI is the primary professional organization for dietitians working in the field of genetic metabolic nutrition.  The mission of GMDI is to provide standards of excellence and leadership in nutrition therapy for genetic metabolic disorders through clinical practice, education, advocacy, and research.

  • GMDI members are leading practitioners in nutrition therapy who have joined together to identify education and training needs and to develop standards of practice in this highly specialized field.
  • Membership provides opportunities for professional education and research, as well as networking and peer support.

There are many benefits of being a GMDI member and membership is available to metabolic dietitians and non-RD healthcare professionals whose interests focus on the nutrition management of individuals with genetic metabolic disorders.  We offer special rates for Student memberships and International (non-US and Canada) memberships.

Member Categories

Full Members - $150
Dietitians who maintain professionally recognized certification from thier country of residence (e.g., Registered Dietitian in the US) and who work with and provide nutritional manaagement to patients who have genetic metabolic disorders.

International Members - $30
Dietitians from countries outside North America (U.S. and Canada) who maintain professionally recognized certification from their country of residence and who work with and provide nutritional management to patients who have genetic metabolic disorders.

Emeritus member - $65
Full members who are retired and have been members in good standing of GMDI.

Associate members - $65
Non-RD health care professionals whose interests focus on the nutritional management of patients with genetic metabolic disorders.  
Associate members have all privileges of full members except they may not vote in general elections, hold office, or serve on the Board of Directors. Exceptions to this policy may be approved by the Board of Directors.  They may serve on standing or ad hoc committees.

Student members - $30 
Students enrolled in accredited training programs who are interested in nutritional management of genetic metabolic disorders.

Membership Year

  • The GMDI  membership year is January 1-December 31.  Regardless of when you join, your membership will expire on December 31st of the same year.

Membership Benefits

GMDI Membership provides opportunities to improve your knowledge and clinical practice in metabolic nutrition and to network with others who work in this highly specialized field.

Continuing Education Opportunities

An educational conference is held every other year. The next GMDI conference will be held in April 2026.


  • E-Newsletter, GMDI Connections
  • MetabolicPro Nutrition Analysis Software
  • SERC-GMDI Nutrition Guideline and Tool Kit Development for PKU, MSUD, PROP and VLCADD
  • Networking opportunities – Find a metabolic dietitian in US/Canada
  • Legislative updates
  • Continuing education opportunities including web-based seminars and the biennial GMDI Conference
  • Connections for research opportunities
  • GMDI Research Grant Program
  • Job postings
  • Tools and materials for use in clinical practice (Leucine food lists, formula comparison lists, educational resources)
  • Professional development of leadership skills by joining a GMDI committee
  • Other member resources

Committee Participation

See individual committee pages for specific goals and activities

Funding Opportunities

GMDI Research Grants Program:  The goal of the GMDI Research Grant Program is to foster the pursuit of research by metabolic dietitians to promote investigations that enhance nutritional management strategies for inborn errors of metabolism. In 2024, one grant of $10,000.00 will be awarded. We intend to award this $10,000 grant every 2 years.

Goals of GMDI:

  • Sustain an active and visionary organization that meets the goals of our members
  • Promote individual, professional, and organizational growth and recognition in the field of genetic metabolism and nutrition
  • Optimize the organizational structure to strengthen leadership, processes, and technology
  • Maximize opportunities to expand understanding and knowledge in the field of genetic metabolic nutrition
  • Ensure financial stability and growth to support our mission and vision



Contact Us

For more information about GMDI  or MetabolicPro please contact us:


P.O. Box 1462
Hillsborough, NC 27278
