Resources for Industry Partners

GMDI is pleased to offer the following opportunities to our industry partners for informing GMDI members
of educational events, research study recruitment announcements and other news. 


Industry News

This is an opportunity for industry partners to reach GMDI members as part of our newly instituted “Industry News” program.  This will take the place of the GMDI Industry News program.

GMDI plans to send an Industry News eblast to all members 4 times a year on the following dates*:

  • March 1
  • May 1
  • September 1
  • November 1

*Deadline to submit copy for the newsletter will be 2 weeks in advance of each issue; reminders will be sent.

Participation in this program will be by an annual subscription.  A company may elect a 2-postings per year subscription ($1500) or a 4-postings per year subscription ($3000).  Single posts will also be accepted ($800).


Submission requirements

  • Postings may include product announcements, research result updates, and other relevant industry news.  A single PDF file and one link will be accepted for each posting.
    • All postings are subject to approval by GMDI to confirm relevance to GMDI members. 
  • Participating companies must meet established deadlines in order for their posting to be included in an issue of the “Industry News” eblast. 
    • Failure to submit your copy by the deadline will result in your news not being included in the scheduled eblast, although it can still be posted on the GMDI website.  There will be no exceptions or refunds.

What’s Included

  • GMDI will send an “Industry News” eblast to all members on the established dates.  This will include your company logo that will link to your PDF file.  The PDF file may include a single link.
  • An “Industry News” page will be maintained in the “members-only” section of the GMDI website.  At the same time the “Industry News” eblast is distributed, your news will be posted on this website. 
    • News postings will remain on the site for 6 months.
  • Posting of Industry News announcement on GMDi social media platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram).

How to Apply

  • For 2024 - Submit completed and signed Industry News Application by December 15, 2023.
    Please download and save the form before completing
  • Once your application is received you will receive an invoice and payment instructions.


Educational Events

GMDI offers this opportunity to advertise educational events to GMDI members through our eblast system, website, and social networks.

What’s Included

  • A single eblast sent to all current GMDI members. The eblast includes a link to the GMDI website where additional details about your event, including registration links will be posted.
    • Eblasts will be scheduled by GMDI.
  • Posting of your announcement through GMDI social media platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram).
  • Listing of your event on GMDI website “Upcoming Educational Events” page.
    • Event will be listed through the date of the event.

How to Order

  • Place your order through the GMDI Marketplace.  The cost is $350 per posting.
  • Once your order is placed, send copy for posting to GMDI Administrative Office (

Submission requirements

  • Organization submits announcement, including graphics, to GMDI for posting.  This must be in MS Word or PDF forward.  The posting may include a single registration link.
  • GMDI approves content prior to posting.


Research Announcements

GMDI offers this opportunity to promote industry-sponsored research announcements to GMDI members through our eblast system, website, and social networks.  Research postings are approved by GMDI on a case-by-case basis. 

What’s Included

  • A single eblast sent to all current GMDI members. The eblast includes a link to the GMDI website where additional details about your research study.  This may include a link to an informational flyer or study recruitment site. 
    • Eblasts will be scheduled by GMDI.
  • Posting of your announcement through GMDI social media platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram).
  • Listing of your event on GMDI website “Research Opportunities” page.

How to Order

  • Place your order through the GMDI Marketplace.  The cost is $350 per posting.
  • Once your order is placed, send copy for posting to GMDI Administrative Office ( for approval.

Submission requirements

  • Organization submits announcement, including graphics, to GMDI for posting.  This must be in MS Word or PDF forward.  The posting may include a single registration link.
  • GMDI approves content prior to posting.

Contact Us

For more information about GMDI  or MetabolicPro please contact us:


P.O. Box 1462
Hillsborough, NC 27278
